2024 Internal election voting guide
Uniting Labour, Delivering Change
These internal elections are critical. They’re our chance to build on the momentum of Labour's historic result on July 4th and deliver the transformative change this country urgently needs.
This victory happened because Keir Starmer fundamentally changed the Labour Party, putting it back in the mainstream of British Politics. Having an NEC and NPF that supported Keir and the team around him was critical to this change, as was the support of the grassroots membership.
Now that we’re in government we can’t risk being blown off course with internal disputes and arguments.
That’s why we are asking you to support Labour to Win’s team of candidates for the NEC and NPF. This team is running on a platform of:
- Supporting a successful, progressive and outward-looking Labour Party.
- Championing Labour’s bold and transformative policy agenda.
- Making our party inclusive to all, combatting all forms of discrimination wherever we find it.
- Building on our party's organisational capabilities, ensuring we are in top shape to fight elections across the country.
Ballots drop on the 27th August and close at 12pm on 17th September. If you're a Labour Member, you can find your ballot by searching "Your ballot" in your emails, it will have been sent by "Labour Party", labourelections@cesvotes.com
In order to maximise the chances of all six candidates getting elected in this Single Transferable Vote election, we need members in different regions to vote in a different preference order. This is to make sure all six candidates have enough first preferences not to be knocked out early in the count.
See your region below for Labour to Win's NEC and NPF candidate guide: